Mechanical and Automation Engineering (MAE) Department started in the year 2003 with an intake of 60 students. MAE department reached to a new height in very short span of time and the intake was increased from 60 to 120. The Department is fully equipped with state of art laboratories and facilities. It has highly qualified, experienced and professional faculties having degrees from IIT’S, NIT’S and other reputed institutes. Department is working hard on research based projects and some of them have been awarded at different levels.
MAE Department has filed 9 patents so far. The Value Aided Programs (VAP) followed with Project Based Learning (PBL) in each semester to enhance the competitiveness and employability of the students. VAPs are conducted on the latest tools and techniques like Automobile Assembly and Disassembly, AUTOCAD, CATIA and ANSYS. Project Based Learning helps in preparing the projects which are presented in Tech-Expo organized at college level in each semester. Tech-Expo provides a platform to the students to expose their skills. A few projects are Fabrication of Solar regeneration system, Regenerative power generation on bicycle, Generation of energy through canals,
The department has established three student chapters at the National level. These include, ISHRAE student chapter under the aegis of The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Formula SAEINDIA which is a strategic alliance partner of SAE International and organize the design competition for students, and student chapter ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) India (which helps the students in research contributions to the fundamental theory, algorithms, design, manufacture and experimental validation for mechanisms and robots).
A team of highly motivated students of MAE department got an opportunity to have a hands-on experience of Designing, Analyzing and fabricating a formula style car (Mechsonic Racing Car) under “College Design Series” organized by the “Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)”.
Vision Of The Department
Mission Of The Department
- M1: To grow the mechanical and automation engineering graduates, for a successful career in industry and academia around the world through effective teaching learning and training.
- M2: To nurture the capability of graduates for creating innovative products/systems.
- M3: To establish the culture which encourages and builds an exemplary professional having ability to solve societal problems through engineering and professional skills.
- M4: To prepare professionally competent and broadly educated mechanical and automation engineers by developing analytical and research abilities, encouraging culture of continuous learning and by adopting new technologies to solve complex problems.
Program Educational ObjectiveS (PEOs)
PEO1: Shall practice mechanical and automation engineering in the general disciplines of design, thermal, manufacturing and automation engineering in industry and establishments in government and private sectors.
PEO2: Shall apply fundamental technical knowledge and skills to find workable solutions to technological challenges and problems in various areas of mechanical engineering.
PEO3: Shall pursue advanced education, research and development, and creative efforts in mechanical engineering and allied areas of science and technology.
PEO4: Shall practice mechanical and automation engineering in a responsible, professional and ethical manner for the benefit of the industry and society.
Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Dr. Ravindra Kumar
Associate Professor & HoD
- AMIE (Mech. Engg.), ME, (CAD/CAM), Ph D (Mechanical Engineering)
- CAD/CAM, FMS and Robotics
Brief Profile
Associate Professor & HoD
Dr. Ravindra Kumar graduated from Institution of Engineers in Mechanical Engineering. He completed his Master of Engineering from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad in CAD/CAM and Ph D in Mechanical Engineering from Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University).
He has 15 years of teaching experience at different colleges of Delhi NCR and 20 years of Industrial experience. His areas of interest are CAD/CAM, Flexible Manufacturing Systems and Robotics. He has undergone one week training on ABB robot at European Centre for Mechatronics, Germany and well versed with the high level programming language RAPID used for programming ABB robots. He has good knowledge of CNC programming, AutoCAD and Pro/E software.
He has published several research papers in National and International Journals and attended FDPs and workshops on Computer Integrated Manufacturing, CNC machines, Pro/E software, and Robotics. He is a life time member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).
Labs And Infrstructure
Workshop Practice Lab: Workshop Practice lab is for the first year students to understand the basics of manufacturing processes used in manufacturing the products used by engineers. This laboratory of our department has facilities related to Moulding, Casting, Welding, Sheet metal, Forging, Gas metal cutting etc. Not only students are taught about different tools and equipments related to above processes, but after proper training, students are pursued to do these processes at their own. Students also learn different safety mechanism and industrial procedures related to above processes. Students learn these processes individually as well as in group. Students are given small projects related to the processes like welding, sheet metal, moulding, Forging etc. and assessed on the basis of their performance.
Engineering Graphics Lab: Engineering Drawing is the language used by engineers, technicians and designers who design and manufacture buildings, machinery, circuits etc. This laboratory is organized for all first semester engineering students. Purpose of studying Engineering Graphics is to develop the ability to produce simple engineering drawing and sketches based on current engineering practices, to comprehend manufacturing and construction drawings used in industry. To make the drawings easy to understand, engineers use familiar symbols, perspectives, units of measurement, notation systems, visual styles, page layout etc. Apart from curriculum, some additional experimental setups are also taught to help the students in enhancing their knowledge. The lab is well equipped with 60 drawing boards for the students to practice two dimensional drawings. Various 3-D models are also shared for better understanding in projection of planes, projections of solids, section of solids and orthographic projections. Three dimensional models used in the laboratory may help to provide an opportunity to enhance visual spatial skills.
Engineering Mechanics Lab: In Engineering Mechanics lab, students are involved in analytical calculations related to different experiments like law of polygon of forces, parallel force experiment, friction calculations, truss, Bell Crank Lever, Jib Crane, Worm and Worm wheel, Differential wheel, Screw Jack etc. Students are trained to use graphs, space diagram and vector diagram to understand different experiments. This lab is to taught to first year students to understand different principles used in Engineering Mechanics. Students do experimental analysis and theoretical analysis in different experiments and finally do comparison of them. Students also learn source of errors in different experiments.
Machine Drawing Lab: Machine drawing is basically the learning of drawings and concepts of assembly of various machine parts. Machine drawing is a basis to understand the design of machine elements and designing software like auto CAD, CATIA etc. Machine drawing lab is fully equipped with the drawing boards, drafters, geometry boxes containing various compasses, scale etc. In this lab, we have models of cotter joint, knuckle joint and hook joint etc. Students understand the concept of various projections, section views, fits and tolerances, machine elements representation and assembly drawing etc.
Fluid Mechanics Lab: Fluid mechanics lab consists of different experiments which include the determination of co-efficient of discharge in venturimeter and orifices, verification of Bernoulli’s theorem, determination of various minor losses (loss due to enlargement, contraction and bend in pipe) and major loss due to friction in different sizes of pipes etc. The lab experiments help the students to clear different concepts of fluids mechanics. Students also learn to use the pressure difference measuring U-tube manometer used in almost all the experiments to measures the pressure head loss in pipe flow. Students are trained to find value of theoretical and practical discharge in pipe and open channel flow.
Strength of Material Lab: Strength of Materials is very important lab for MAE students. In this lab, students learn how to calculate tensile strength, limit of proportionality, elastic limit, yield strength, ultimate strength etc. For different materials using Universal Testing Machine. Students also understand different tests of measuring torsion, hardness, impact strength etc. Students get acquainted with different equipments like Izod testing machine, Charpy testing machine. Universal testing machine is one of the important machines for SOM lab and students learn how to use this machine for different measurements.
Theory of Machines Lab: Objectives of Theory of Machines lab is to provide practical knowledge of different types of mechanism found in the machines. To achieve this objective, demonstration of various types of links, pairs and mechanisms are performed in the lab.Studies of various type of gears and gear trains along with demonstration of different gear box is carried out.To understand the working of an engine, cam follower mechanism is provided to student. Cam profile for different engine is drawn and fabricated in the lab. Gyroscope demonstration is done to make student understand the concept of gyroscope. Rotary balancing apparatus is available in the lab and used to clear the fundamentals of rotary balancing. Apart from imparting the practical knowledge of theory of machine in lab, the student are motivated to design and fabricate different mechanisms from syllabus for better understanding of the subject.
Manufacturing Machines Lab: Manufacturing Machines Lab provide an insight to different machine tools, accessories, attachments and cutting tools. Students find opportunity to learn different parts of machine tool and how machine tool can be used for machining process. Machine shop equipped with numbers of lathe machines, drilling machine, shaper machine, grinding machine, milling machine and power hacksaw. It includes various practical, those are used to train the students about how a machine tool can be operated and also learn kinematics behind the machine. Students learn different machining operations which can be performed over machine to enrich their practical skills. It also inculcates team qualities and exposes students to shop floor activities. It educates students about ethical, environmental and safety standards.
Fluid Systems Lab: The Fluid Systems lab consists of hydraulic machineries which are used in hydraulic power plants. The fluid system lab is equipped with jet impact apparatus, hydraulic ram, pumps (centrifugal and reciprocating pump), Turbines working models (Pelton turbine and Francis turbine). The experiments consist of the calculation of the efficiency and operational characteristics of pumps and turbines. For the performance calculations, different types of pressure gauges used for measuring pressure at the inlet and outlet of turbines. Speed & torque measuring instruments like tachometer and rope dynamometer are also used in this lab. In fluid system lab, students learn all the parts, working and performance of fluid machinery practically.
Numerical Analysis and Statistical Techniques Lab: Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms for the problems of continuous mathematics (as distinguished from discrete mathematics). It involves design methods that give approximate but accurate numeric solutions, which is useful in cases where the exact solution is impossible or prohibitively expensive to calculate. Numerical analysis also involves characterizing the convergence, accuracy, stability, and computational complexity of these methods. Numerical Analysis and Statistical Techniques Lab is equipped with 30 computer systems of very high configuration having installed with MATLAB software and internet connectivity. The experiments are conducted using MATLAB software developed by MathWorks. The MATLAB software is, in fact, an object-oriented programming language with an extensive library of mathematical and scientific function calls entirely built-in. The objective of the lab work is to familiarize the students with implementation of numerical methods using MATLAB. One printer is also installed in laboratory to facilitate the students.
Metrology Lab: The metrology lab is well equipped with all the linear and angular measuring instruments to conduct experiments related to measurements. The objective of this laboratory is to link the theoretical concepts of different measuring instruments such as vernier calliper, outside micrometer, sine bar, dial indicator, gear tooth calliper and height gauge with the practical feasibility. The lab gives an exposure to the students to learn different measurement systems and on common types of errors and introduce different types of sensors, transducers and strain gauges used for measurement.
Heat Transfer and I.C. Engine Lab: This laboratory is very crucial for the third year MAE students. The aim of this lab is to dispense the practical insight about the rate of heat transfer in various modes of heat transfer such as conduction, convection and radiation. Here, students learn to find the value of thermal conductivity of material during conduction, and how heat transfer coefficient varies in conduction, free and force convection, radiation in a conducting material or a fin and a composite wall, besides this temperature distribution along the length. Students are also able to acquaint themselves about the rate of heat transfer, log mean temperature difference (LMTD) in heat exchanger and compare in the different flow modes such as parallel and counter flow of heat transfer.
In Internal combustion (I.C.) lab, students are able to differentiate between internal and external combustion engine, how petrol and diesel engine work, and their valve timings and can calculate the efficiency of engine, Brake Horse Power (BHP), indicated power (IP), mean effective pressure on which engine work. In addition to this, students can also learn to calculate the heat balance of an engine and how to conduct various test in the engine like morse test, dynamometer test, exhaust emission test etc.
Metal Cutting and Tool Design Lab: Metal Cutting and Tool Design (MCTD) lab is one of the most crucial labs where students perform different experiments and understand some important concepts of this subject. This lab is equipped with a number of lathe machines, Grinder, Milling machine, Shapers etc. to understand this subject. Students are motivated to understand different machine tools and secondary manufacturing processes. Different cutting tools, their geometry and usages are taught to the students during experiments in this lab. Students learn different types of chips while cutting and study them at different cutting conditions. Orthogonal cutting, Oblique cutting, Cutting ratios, shear angle and many more important topics students understand during experiments in MCTD laboratory. Students are encouraged to use these machines at their own after proper training to prepare them for industrial applications. Students develop lots of interest during this lab, as there is involvement of practical cut -throat knowledge during these labs.
Machine Design Lab: Design department is the most innovative and essential department of any industry. Machine design basically, is the creation of novel designs and improving the existence for betterment. Machine design lab makes the student to understand the concepts of design of various machine elements. In Machine design lab, students design various machine elements according to the design procedure and draw their projections on drawing sheets with designed specifications. For drafting related activities, the lab is fully equipped with the drawing boards, drafters and geometry boxes. Generally machine elements designed by students are: cotter joint, knuckle joint, riveted joint, weld joint, coupling, spring and bearing design etc.
Automobile Engineering Lab: Modern automotive industries need experts in vehicle design and manufacture. Laboratory practice is essential to get deep understanding of theoretical concepts with clarity. With this in mind, Automobile Engineering lab was established to train the students in the area of automobile engineering. Our Automobile Engineering lab is well equipped with the three Cylinder Petrol Engine and Four Cylinder Diesel Engine models. Through these facilities, students are gaining enormous knowledge regarding performance of engine and functions of each of its component. By hands on practice, students are going to learn how to use different equipment which they have studied theoretically. Other integrated facilities included in Automobile engineering lab are Gear Box, Clutches, Various types Brake System of Maruti car, Differential Rear Axle and Various types Suspension System, Steering Gears to practice real time learning and it is offering the clarity about function of various systems of automobile. Other facilities, this lab offers is a Mechsonic racing car development in which the students work on formula racing car and participate in various National and International racing car competitions and win prizes.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Laboratory: RAC laboratory is very crucial for MAE students. The aim of this lab is to dispense the practical insight to the refrigerating equipments running on vapour compression refrigeration system (VCRS). Here students are able to learn practically the process of refrigeration and how it is differs from cooling, how ice plant work. Students are also able to calculate the refrigeration load of the plant to produce desired cooling, coefficient of performance of the plant and mass of the refrigerant required for obtaining desire cooling. Students get acquainted about various refrigerating equipments, control and sensing devices, water cooler and cooling tower.
Under RAC laboratory students can also get knowledge of refrigeration effect produced by the low grade energy in vapour absorption refrigeration cycle, and how Air-Conditioner works, and thermal analysis of any refrigeration and air-conditioning plant. In RAC Lab cut sections model of all types of compressors and condensers are provided for the better understanding of the parts, working and maintenance.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab (CIM Lab) is equipped with a CNC Lathe which supports the all types of codes used for CNC programming. The machine is compatible with the CutViewer Turn software and facilitates for the simulation of CNC programs before executing the program on machine. In addition to this, it has additional software of CutViewer Turn and CutViewer Mill simulation software for simulating the program before it is loaded on the machine. The lab is also provided with a pick and place robot which helps in learning the controlling of robots in industrial applications.
Mechatronics Lab: The primary objective of mechatronics is to integrate the mechanical systems with electrical, electronics and computer systems and to provide multidisciplinary approach to product development and manufacturing system design. The Lab details the basic hardware elements used for proper and successful operation of various circuit designs. The knowledge of this subject will be helpful to students while working in industries. Mechatronics lab equipped with mechatronics kits, number of switches, actuators, control valves connecting pipes and air compressor. By using these equipments, students make connections and learn a lot about actuating a system. A mechatronics engineer unites the principles of mechanics, electronics, and computing to generate a simpler, more economical, reliable and versatile system.
Computer Aided Design Lab: A well-equipped computer lab with advanced facilities is established for the benefit of the Mechanical and Automation engineering students. High end terminals supported by latest hardware and software, plotting devices, etc. are among them. Advanced mechanical engineering softwares are procured for making the students globally competitive and industry oriented. In CAD lab, students get professional training on 2D & 3D drafting of mechanical engineering drawings using the latest versions of CAD software. Student will learn computer aided design and 3D solid modelling. Students will also gain the knowledge of design and drafting needed for mechanical engineering discipline.
Computational Fluid Mechanics Lab: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is very important laboratory for MAE department. In CFD, basically students understand the ways of simulation of real flow using Numerical Solutions. In our department, students learn principles of CFD using different CAD & CAE softwares like Ansys, Pro E, Catia etc. Students are pursued to make different models of parts like Car disc break rotor model, Piston model etc. and do steady state thermal analysis, heat flux analysis, temperature distribution and effect of thermal loading on the objects. Students understand different computational techniques and methods to predict using these softwares. Applying boundary condition, mesh generation and solution method systems are part of students learning. These experiments prepare students for different industrial applications and deal with industrial problems confidently.
Computer Aided Graphics and Product Design Lab: The objective of computer aided graphics and product design lab is to understand the basic fundamentals of graphics and design. To learn and analyse 2D & 3D transformations of the basic entities like line, circle, ellipse etc is another important purpose of this lab. To understand different geometric modeling techniques like solid modeling, surface modeling, feature based modeling etc. and to visualize how the components look like before its manufacturing or fabrication is another important fulfilment of this lab. In this lab students apply design principles and processes to meet industrial requirements.
Robotics Lab: Robotics lab is one of the state of the art labs in Mechanical and Automation Engineering department which provides a platform for the students to learn the programming and controlling of robots for various industrial applications. The lab is equipped with the RoboAnalyzer software and a pick and place type of programmable robot. RoboAnalyzer software is a 3D model based software. This software is used to learn the concepts of modelling of various robotics configurations and their kinematic analysis. It provides the flexibility to use the various types of joints and helps in forming the DH matrices. The pick and pace robot is used to teach the programming concepts used in controlling the robot in 3D space.
Engineering System Modelling and Simulation Lab: This laboratory is requisite for the final year MAE students. In this lab, students learn many new softwares on modelling, simulation, thermal analysis, stress analysis and finite element modelling. These software are very important for today’s scenario, when the technology is entering in Industry 4.0 phase. In this, students learn many software like Cyro ( Previously Pro E), Solid Works, Catia, Ansys, Arena etc. Students get chance to learn different simulation models for systems like Cam- follower, Spring mass damper system etc. Also students get chance to acquaint themselves with different stress analysis and thermal analysis of their modelling. Making parts, assembly, editing assembly, deleting assembly members on different CAD modelling software are important knowledge areas of this lab. Flow process panel and modelling environment understanding of Arena software are some of the experiments students perform in this laboratory.
Welcome to the department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering (MAE). With the exponential developments in the field of automation, mechanical industries have shifted from conventional manufacturing systems to fully automated manufacturing systems. In the highly competitive environment over the globe, role of mechanical engineers has widened from conventional design and manufacturing job to offering solutions to complex interdisciplinary problems.
Students at MAE department study not only the subject of Mechanical Engineering branch but also get the exposure to multidisciplinary subjects like Switch Theory and Logic Design, Controls systems, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Data communication and Networks which helps them to become the future leader in the field of automation.
MAE department has improved its teaching and learning methodologies over the time. It has highly qualified faculties having degrees from the reputed institutes like IITs and NITs, DTU etc. The department promotes the research among the students and faculties which has led to the publication of a number of research papers in the reputed journals.
The department has also established the student chapter of different National and International Societies such as ISRAE (The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers), SAEINDIA, and ASME, which provide opportunities to a large number of students to participate in various programs held by them.
We strive for the overall development of the students for which a number of activities are organized throughout the year. Our students have figured in various competitive exams at National and International levels.
I wish you all the success, happiness, and joy in life.
Thanks for Visiting
Results: More than ninety percent results in last consecutive three years. In final year pass out percentage is 98 percent in year 2016.
Result Analysis
S. No. | Year | Rank | Deptt. | |||
E.Roll No. | Name of Student | % Marks | ||||
1 | Ist | 1st | 01313303615 | Aquib Jawed | 78.94% | |
2 | 2nd | 01413303615 | Ashish kr.Agnihotri | 75.11% | ||
3 | 3rd | 01513303615 | Ashok Kumar | 74.32% | ||
4 | 2nd | 1st | 30813303614 | Diksha | 90.01% | |
5 | 2nd | 30913303614 | Richa | 88.16% | ||
6 | 3rd | 02713303614 | Harshit | 84.19% | ||
7 | 3rd | 1st | 00913303613 | Ankit | 85.96% | |
8 | 2nd | 00213303613 | Saurabh | 85.41% | ||
3rd | 00513303613 | Shakwat | 79.79% | |||
10 | 4th | 1st | 00713307412 | Akash Gupta | 81.28% | |
11 | 2nd | 00713307412 | Sandeep Kumar | 79.05% | ||
12 | 3rd | 00713307412 | Vivek Kumar | 78.15% |
For any technical education institute, Research and Development (R & D) is one of the most important parts to deliver the good quality education and helps the faculties in updating their knowledge on the subject. The constant updates on the subject open the ways to the new developments in their field of interest.
MAE department takes due care to update the students and faculties on the latest technological developments by conducting the special lectures by experts from the industries and academia and also associating with the different National and International societies in the fields. At present a number of faculties are involved in the research activities through their Ph D program from the reputed universities.
MAE department has established Machsonic lab and students participated in the competition held at national level. Prof S.K.Gupta along with students filed patents on Tubine System to Power Automobile, Docket no.2921 in Jan 2015 and Pecjac Cooling Jacket Docket no.21459 in July 2015. Mr Mohan Kumar, Asst. Prof. along with students filed a patent on Multilated Gear Engine and Compressor, Docket no.12730 in April 2016.
The faculties of MAE department have excelled in the field of research and published a large number of research papers in the reputed National and International journals.
- Dr. V.C. Pandey
- V.C Pandey, publish a paper on “TISM approach & Applications” in Journal of Advanced Management Research, vol 14, no.2, pp 1-22, DOI 10.11, April 2017.
- Pandey V.C. et. al. (2016) “An integrated Approach of Real Time Visual link Path Planning Model with distance calculation for Mobile Robot” Proceedings of National Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Network and Smart Grid. ISBN: 978-93-85758-03-4.
- Mr. Nipun Ahuja
- Nipun Ahuja (2015) “Corrosion Resistance of Carbon- Manganese Steel Weldments at Elevated Temperatures” , JoARMMSME, Vol 1, No. 1, 2015.
- Nipun Ahuja (2015) “Study of Hot corrosion of ASTM A240 welds”, Proceedings of NWS conference, Dehradun, 2015.
- Nipun Ahuja (2017) “Application of Nanomaterials in Automobile Sector”, HMRIJSTEM, Volume 1 , Issue 1, 2017
- Nipun Ahuja (2017) “Need for technology shift in India for sustainable development, Proceedings of ICCCS,ISSN 2278-0181, July 2017.
- Nipun Ahuja (2017) “Study of mechanical properties of stainless steel SS 304 and mild steel welds”, Proceedings of ICAPIE 2017, DTU.
- Nipun Ahuja (2019) Heat source models used to measure heat flow in welded joint of boilers, Proceedings of ICAPIE 2019, DTU.
- Involved in R&D project of “Dissimilar welding joint used in Advanced Ultra super critical thermal power plants” for two years (2015-2016) in IIT Jodhpur.
- Mr. Ankur Sharma
- Ankur Sharma , Evaluation of factor affecting the Quality of Teaching in Technical Institute , International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015 , pp. 045-054 , ISSN 2319 – 4847.
- Ankur Sharma “Factors of Quality Management Affecting the Implementation of QM in Supply Chain Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Approach”, Bonfring International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 2016, DOI: 10.9756/BIJIEMS.10451
- Ankur Sharma (2017) “Applications of statistical tools for decision making under uncertainty in manufacturing industries. International journal of engineering sciences & research technology 6.7 (2017): 403-12. Web. 15 July 2017.
- Ankur Sharma (2017) ,Modelling of Enablers for Maintenance Management by ISM Method. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Citation: Yadav S, Sharma A Ind Eng Manage 6: 203. doi:10.4172/2169- 0316.1000203.
- Mr. Sumit Jain
- Sumit Jain, publish a paper on “Friction stir welding process on aluminium alloy 6082-T6 using Taguchi Technique”, in International Journal of Research in Engineering and Innovation, Vol 3, pg no.301-305, ISSN no.2456-6934, 2019.
- Sumit jain, et. al. (2018), “ Dissimiliar alloys( AA 6082/AA 5083) joining by FSW and parametric optimization using Taguchi, grey relational and weight method” published in journal of (Engineering Solid mechanics) growing science.
- Sumit jain et. al. (2017), “Friction stir processing of Aluminium Alloys for Improving Mechanical and tribological properties” published in International journal of advanced production and Industrial engg, Vol 1, Issue 6 (2017), 229-243.
- Sumit jain et. al. (2017), “Friction stir Processing of magnesium alloy used in automobile and aerospace applications” published in International journal of research in Engineering and Innovation, vol-1, issue-4, 54-62.
- Sumit & Ms Preety, publish a paper on “Effect of Tool Material & tool geometry on FSW/ Processing of Al alloy”, in International Journal of Advanced Production & Industrial engineering, ISSN no 2455-8419, pg no 88-92, Jan 2017
- Sumit jain et. al. (2016), “ Experimental and numerical investigation of deep drawability of AA1200” published in International journal of Advance engineering, Management and Science.
- Sumit Jain et. al. (2016), “Optimization of process parameters in WEDM by using Taguchi method” Published in International journal of Advance engineering, Management and Science vol-2 issue 7.
- Sumit jain et. al. , publish a paper on “Friction Stir welding/ Processing of Aluminium Alloy 5083”, in International Conference on Advanced Production & Industrial Engineering (ICAPIE), ID:2016-160, Dec 2016.
- Sumit jain et. al. , publish a paper on “Effect of Process parameter on Friction stir Processing of Magnesium Alloys”, in International Conference on Advanced Production & Industrial Engineering (ICAPIE), ID:2016-218, Dec 2016.
- Sumit Jain et. al.,” publish a paper on the Parametric Otimization of friction stir Welding process on aluminium alloy 6082-T6 in”International Journal of Engineering research & science technology” vol 4,no.2 page no 272-279,2015.
- Md. Ehsaan Asgar
- Md Ehsan Asgar, publish a paper on “Modification of Inert Oxy-Acetylene Welding Nozzle in”,International journal of Innovative Research & Development, vol no 4, issue 5, pg no 190-196, Aug 2015
- Md. Ehsan Asgar et. al. present a paper on”cryptography- an art of Hidden secret, in National conference(NCCCS), Feb 2016 held at HMRITM.
- Md. Ehsan Asgar, Attended International Conference (MANFEX 2016), in Amity University, 17-18 March 2016
- Md. Ehsan Asgar et. al. publish a paper on “Utilization of Bio-Gas as a fuel for rular area Comparative Analysis”, in International Journal(IJSRSET), vol 2, Issue 2, April 2016
- Md Ehsan Asgar presented a paper on “Parameter optimization of WEDMA Review”, in Integral University Lucknow, April 2018.
- Md Ehsan Asgar et. al. publish a paper on “Parameter optimization of WEDM-A Review”, 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 404 012007.
- Md Ehsan Asgar et. al. presented a paper on “Implementation of Regenerative Braking System in Automobiles” in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electro-Mechanical Technologies and Management held at HMRITM, New Delhi, July 2019.
- Ms. Uma Gautam
- Ms Uma Gautam et al, publish a paper on “CFD Analysis of Effect of Blade Roughness” in International Journal of Engg. Research & Technology, Vol 5, Issue 11, pg no. 84-87, ISSN 2277-3754.
- Ms Uma Gautam and Ms Damyanti, publish a paper on “Integrated Renewable Energy Approach” in International Journal of Engg. Research & Technology, July 2017, ISSN 2278-0181
- Ms Uma Gautam, publish a paper on “Effect of Process Parameter in SAW- A Review” in International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, Vol-4, Issue-10, Pg no 13-17,, Oct- 2017, ISSN: 2349-6495(P)
- Ms Uma Gautam, publish a paper on “Effect of Flux in SAW- A Review” in International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, Vol-4, Issue-12, Pg no 44-46,,Dec2017, ISSN: 2349-6495(P).
- Ms Uma gautam and Dr Vipin, presented & published a paper on “overview of welding using Microwave Radiation” in 3rd International Conference on Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering, paper id ICAPIE-2018-PE MT 226, 5-6 october 2018.
- Ms Uma Gautam et al, presented a paper on “Microwave welding of Mild Steel” in International Conference on Emerging Trends in ElectroMechanical Technologies and Management” July 2019.
- Ms Uma Gautam, presented a paper on “Joining of Metal using Microwave Energy” in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electro-Mechanical Technologies and Management” July 2019.
- Ms. Yashika Taneja Ahuja
- Yashika Taneja Ahuja et. al. (2017) “Application of Nanomaterials in Automobile Sector”, HMRIJSTEM, Volume 1 , Issue 1, 2017
- Yashika Taneja Ahuja et. al. (2017) “Need for technology shift in India for sustainable development”, Proceedings of ICCCS,ISSN 2278-0181, July 2017.
- Mr. Naveen Lohan
- Mr Naveen Lohan et. al. , publish a paper on” Study the Principle of Motion Economy in Industry”, in International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, vol 2, Issue 8, Jan 2016.
- Mr. Naveen Lohan et. al. , Evaluation of factor affecting the Quality of Teaching in Technical Institute , International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2015 , pp. 045-054 , ISSN 2319 – 4847.
- Naveen Lohan et. al., “Optimization of connecting rod using Aluminium Composite.” International journal of engineering sciences & research technology ISSN: 2277-9655, October, 2014.
- Mr. Mohan Kumar
- Mr Mohan et. al., publish a paper on” CFD Analysis of Blade Roughness” in International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, ISSN No. 2277-3754 vol 5, Issue 11, May 2016.
- Mohan Kumar et. al. presented a paper on “Implementation of Regenerative Braking System in Automobiles” in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electro-Mechanical Technologies and Management held at HMRITM, New Delhi, July 2019.
- Filed a patent on multilated gear engine and compressor. Docket number 12730, April 2016.
- Mr. Rajeev Ranjan
- Mr Rajeev et. al., publish a paper on” CFD Analysis of Blade Roughness” in International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, ISSN No. 2277-3754 vol 5, Issue 11, May 2016.
- Ms. Preety Rani
- Preety Rani et. al. ” publish a paper on the Parametric Otimization of friction stir Welding process on aluminium alloy 6082-T6 in”International Journal of Engineering research & science technology” vol 4,no.2 page no 272-279,2015.
- Preety Rani et. al. , publish a paper on “Friction Stir welding/ Processing of Aluminium Alloy 5083”, in International Conference on Advanced Production & Industrial Engineering (ICAPIE), ID:2016-160, Dec 2016.
- Preety Rani et. al. , publish a paper on “Effect of Process parameter on Friction stir Processing of Magnesium Alloys”, in International Conference on Advanced Production & Industrial Engineering (ICAPIE), ID:2016-218, Dec 2016.
- Preety Rani et. al. (2016), “Optimization of process parameters in WEDM by using Taguchi method” Published in International journal of Advance engineering, Management and Science vol-2 issue 7.
- Preety Rani et. al. , publish a paper on “Effect of Tool Material & tool geometry on FSW/ Processing of Al alloy”, in International Journal of Advanced Production & Industrial engineering, ISSN no 2455-8419, pg no 88-92, Jan 2017.
- Preety Rani et. al., publish a paper on, “Friction stir welding of aluminum alloy and the effect of parameters on weld quality- A Review”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Innovation Vol-2, Issue-3 (2018), 280-292.
- Preety Rani et. al., publish a paper on, “Experimental investigation of joining of aluminum alloy 5083 by friction stir welding (FSW)”, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Innovation Vol-3, Issue-5 (2019), 306-309.
- Ms. Priyanka Vats
- Priyanka vats et. al. , publish a paper on “Development and synthesization of MRP Fluid and MR Finishing”, in International Conference on Advanced Production & Industrial Engineering (ICAPIE), ID:2017-216, Dec 2017.